====== New Orleans ====== Next Crypto Party TBD ======Previous Parties====== Professionals from all backgrounds are welcome to come learn about the digital [[http://myshadow.org|shadow]] you unknowingly create everyday and how various actors can access and misuse that information. Hands on training with the tools to defend yourself will be provided. Whether you run a small business, work with at risk populations, or just like texting your grandma silly cat pictures, its important to understand how you can use technology responsibly in your daily life. ====RSVP==== To RSVP, please fill out [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AstwDUilDVUPrY9Pfm_SPFpq5PJrL8HBXWQFckrx-pA/viewform| this form]] so the session can be tailored to your needs.\\ If you are interested in helping to lead this session, please email . ====Details==== **Time:** Monday April 20 @ 7:00pm \\ **Place:** Myrtle Banks Building - 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard. 3rd floor conference room.\\ **Free to attend, free beer and 100% open to all!**\\ ===Bring your phone, computer, and/or tablet so you can get setup on the spot.=== ====Links==== [[https://docs.google.com/a/gounplugged.co/spreadsheets/d/1l1fZhd0t0okoEY4Xj1X98OVXNWjvpIkznszhc19FxNE/edit?usp=sharing|Click here for]] resources from the cryptoparty. [[http://pastebin.com/8f5VnxnR | Use this version]] if you don't like Google.