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Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Why Criptotrem?

We want to deconstruct prejudices.

  • Cryptography is accessible, and we will teach you how to use it.
  • Hackers don't live in caves and don't want to steal your credit card, come and see what they actually do.
  • Internet isn't for granted, we have a lot to fight for.
  • Privacy is an endangered right.
  • Cut the bullshit, tech is for women too.

So come to CriptoTrem and let's discuss mass surveilance, digital rights and hacking. We will free your computer (with GNU/Linux) and teach you how to use your devices to ensure your rights and your safety.

Please bring your digital devices and, if you want to try a new OS, make sure do backup your data first.

Next Dates

Event name Day Time Location Address
Criptotrem BH 2019 April 13, 2019 TBA Centro de Referência da Juventude Praça Rui Barbosa, 50 - Centro


Medium Link
Twitter @criptotrem