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IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and it is a text chat system where you can talk to community members in the channel #cryptoparty on the server.

You can use one of many dedicated IRC clients (such as pidgin, which you might already know from Jabber+OTR) or OFTCs browser client (which can also be used with the Tor Browser Bundle).

irssi + tor + screen

Step 1: Install polipo, tor, irssi and screen

  $ apt-get install polipo tor torsocks irssi screen

In order to make sure you are running the most up-to-date version of tor please refer to

Now you should have installed: polipo, tor, torify, screen and irssi. Default settings work fine for now.

Step 2. Start Polipo and Tor

  $ /etc/init.d/polipo start
  $ /etc/init.d/tor start

Step 3: run irssi over Tor

  $ usewithtor irssi

Step 4: Connect to

connect to the server, change your nickname and join the channel:

  $ /connect -p 6697
  $ /nick your_new_nickname
  $ /join #cryptoparty

Further information

For further information see the Torprojects Torify HowTo (irssi).