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Prepare your GNU/Linux system for the cp4j

To install software under GNU/Linux systems is fairly straightforward.

Short Remarks

With this approach, you 'll install or update the following software at once:

  • GnuPG - The Gnu Privacy Guard - A free tool for secure communication and data storage.
  • GnuPG2 - Another free GnuPG version.
  • GPA - The GNU Privacy Assistent - A free graphical program for key management.
  • pidgin - A free multi-platform chat-client.
  • pidgin-otr - A free plugin, that keeps your chats private.
  • keepass - A free program for secure password management.
  • Thunderbird or Icedove - A free e-mail client, that makes encryption and decryption of e-mails very easy.
  • Enigmail - A free plugin, that enables Thunderbird or Icedove to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify e-mails, almost automagically.

If the software already exists on your system, it simply updates or doesn't get installed. Files like private keys or public keys won't get overwritten.

Ubuntu and *buntus

On distributions like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Mint, do the following:

  1. Open a terminal window
    • You can do this by pressing CTRL+ALT+T on your keyboard simultaneously, or
    • by clicking: Applications > Accessories > Terminal
  2. Type:
    sudo apt-get update
  3. It will ask for your password. Type it in and press ENTER to continue.
  4. Now type:
    sudo apt-get install gnupg gnupg2 gpa keepass2 pidgin pidgin-otr thunderbird enigmail
  5. Press y to continue. Let the machine do the installing.
  6. Type:
