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The CyPurr Collective

CyPurr Sessions


  • Location: Brooklyn Public Library Central Library 10 Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11238)
  • Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Date: Sunday, July 9th 2017

Part of digital security is knowing when your computer is / is not working normally. During this Cryptoparty, (on July 9th from 2:00-4:00 PM at the Brooklyn Library Central Branch) the Cypurr Collective will hold a group discussion/workshop, in which we talk about the ways that computers can malfunction and what that looks like—whether it’s hacking or just a problem with how the computer is working—and some tools like WireShark, Activity Monitor, and anti-malware software that you can use to diagnose what’s going wrong on your computer.

Come on by and get advice on your cybersecurity and hardware problems, or just come to meet n' greet with other folks who are also interested in learning more, and chatting about the big digital issues of the day! Snacks and children are welcome. Open to beginner and seasoned techies alike!

2/3 to Grand Army Plaza or Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum, or B41 bus. The Info Commons lab and other parts of the library (including bathrooms) are wheelchair accessible.

What is The CyPurr Colective?

The CyPurr Collective (formerly CryptoSquad NYC) is a group of some tech-minded folks who are very jazzed about cybersecurity, cats, and helping folks out with their digital dilemmas. We offer workshops for activists, journalists, educators, and everyday folks who want to up their encryption game! Additionally, we offer personal security audits for groups/organizations who are concerned about their cyber-safety. Plus, we have some of the kewlest CryptoParties!

Check out our FB page for cool resources and events, or just send us really great GIFS!