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Upcoming Events

Day Time Location Address Additional Information
11.12.2019 19-21 TAK, KadıköyCryptoParty Istanbul Özgür Yazılım Derneği
04.08.2020 19-21 OnlineCryptoParty Lite Özgür Yazılım Derneği


Hackerspace Istanbul is a workplace to have fun with the technical facilities gathered together by the contributers and a social environment to work together and creating events; for the people, who are interested in computers, electronics, technology, Internet, DIY and such kind of subjects.

Hackerspace Istanbul was upgraded by an association called Özgür Yazılım Derneği (Free Software Association) and was become a project of ÖYD.

CryptoParty Istanbul was held first time on 5th October, every participant will sign each others keys to take the first step of web-of-trust.

The second CryptoParty Istanbul will be on 11st December, at the 7th anniversary of Edward Snowden's CryptoParty.


iletisim {at} bilgi {at}